Add new variables that translate updates to base SORTIE parameter file
adds additional initial tree diameter size classes and prefixes
to VariableNames
- initname
Naming convention
used to describe diameter size classes- numDigits
Number of decimal places required to match the base parameter file
- diamMin
Minimum diameter size
- diamMax
Maximum diameter size
- diamInc
Size (in cm) of diameter bins
is a table that translates the names of parameters found within behaviours
(variables) defined by a user in the newvals object to the names of these parameters (variables) found in
the base SORTIE parameter file. This file is essential to finding the right variable within the right
behaviour to update with new values during a makeFiles()
For details on how to write a new VariableNames
file, see the Preparing inputs for rsortie vignette,
linked below
There is a default VariableNames
loaded with the rsortie package, but a user may wish to add additional
variable translations.
#> [1] "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"
#> [2] "<paramFile fileCode=\"07050101\">"
#> [3] " <plot>"
#> [4] " <timesteps>10</timesteps>"
#> [5] " <rt_timestep>0</rt_timestep>"
#> [6] " <randomSeed>0</randomSeed>"
#> [7] " <yearsPerTimestep>5.0</yearsPerTimestep>"
#> [8] " <plot_lenX>300.0</plot_lenX>"
#> [9] " <plot_lenY>300.0</plot_lenY>"
#> [10] " <plot_latitude>41.92</plot_latitude>"
#> [11] " <plot_precip_mm_yr>0.0</plot_precip_mm_yr>"
#> [12] " <plot_seasonal_precipitation>0.0</plot_seasonal_precipitation>"
#> [13] " <plot_water_deficit>0.0</plot_water_deficit>"
#> [14] " <plot_temp_C>0.0</plot_temp_C>"
#> [15] " <plot_n_dep>0.0</plot_n_dep>"
#> [16] " <plot_title>Default parameter file-use for testing only</plot_title>"
#> [17] " </plot>"
#> [18] " <trees>"
#> [19] " <tr_speciesList>"
#> [20] " <tr_species speciesName=\"ACRU\"/>"
#> [21] " <tr_species speciesName=\"ACSA\"/>"
#> [22] " <tr_species speciesName=\"BEAL\"/>"
#> [23] " <tr_species speciesName=\"FAGR\"/>"
#> [24] " <tr_species speciesName=\"TSCA\"/>"
#> [25] " <tr_species speciesName=\"FRAM\"/>"
#> [26] " <tr_species speciesName=\"PIST\"/>"
#> [27] " <tr_species speciesName=\"PRSE\"/>"
#> [28] " <tr_species speciesName=\"QURU\"/>"
#> [29] " </tr_speciesList>"
#> [30] " <tr_sizeClasses>"
#> InputFileParameterName Type
#> 1 Timesteps 1 timesteps
#> 2 Randomseed 1 randomSeed
#> 3 YearsPerTimestep 1 yearsPerTimestep
#> 4 rt_timestep 1 rt_timestep
#> 5 randomSeed 1 randomSeed
#> 6 yearsPerTimestep 1 yearsPerTimestep
#> 7 plot_lenX 1 plot_lenX
#> 8 plot_lenY 1 plot_lenY
#> 9 plot_latitude 1 plot_latitude
#> 10 plot_precip_mm_yr 1 plot_precip_mm_yr
#> 11 plot_seasonal_precipitation 1 plot_seasonal_precipitation
#> 12 plot_water_deficit 1 plot_water_deficit
#> 13 plot_temp_C 1 plot_temp_C
#> 14 plot_n_dep 1 plot_n_dep
#> 15 plot_title 1 sph
#> 16 !nci
#> 17 nciWhichShadingEffect 3 nciWhichShadingEffect
#> 18 nciWhichCrowdingEffect 3 nciWhichCrowdingEffect
#> 19 nciWhichNCITerm 3 nciWhichNCITerm
#> 20 nciWhichSizeEffect 3 nciWhichSizeEffect
#> 21 nciWhichDamageEffect 3 nciWhichDamageEffect
#> 22 nciWhichPrecipitationEffect 3 nciWhichPrecipitationEffect
#> 23 nciWhichTemperatureEffect 3 nciWhichTemperatureEffect
#> 24 nciWhichNitrogenEffect 3 nciWhichNitrogenEffect
#> 25 nciWhichInfectionEffect 3 nciWhichInfectionEffect
#> 26 NCI.MaxGrowth 4 gr_nmpgVal species
#> 27 Std.Dev.Norm.Log.Adj 4 gr_sdVal species
#> 28 NCI.Shading.Coeff.m 4 nscVal species
#> 29 NCI.Shading.Exp.n 4 nseVal species
#> 30 NCI.Size.Sensit 4 ncgVal species
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3
#> 4
#> 5
#> 6
#> 7
#> 8
#> 9
#> 10
#> 11
#> 12
#> 13
#> 14
#> 15 plot_title
#> 16
#> 17
#> 18
#> 19
#> 20
#> 21
#> 22
#> 23
#> 24
#> 25
#> 26 gr_nciMaxPotentialGrowth
#> 27 gr_standardDeviation
#> 28 nciShadingCoefficient
#> 29 nciShadingExponent
#> 30 nciCrowdingGamma